Digital Signage
This page contains the information and technical documentation for the Digital Signage in addition to the contractual conditions and the Multimedia Showcase offered by Glarish.
HOW TO Create Great Content
Glarishow simplified the digital signage for you to DIY the whole content or just update some sentence
Glarishow is a WEB based Glarish software to manage the digital signage content. Without installing it on your computer or smartphone, you can use it from everywhere with an internet connection. Create effective digital signage by just uploading a Power Point or Google slide as well as a picture, a video, and many other media format listed below. We simplified the animation for you to create very attractive slides that capture your audience. In addition to a simplified content creator, our software 100% compatibility with WordPress open up the access to WordPress standard and custom extensions to create always the latest HTML content technology and graphic trend.
Any image format (jpg, png, gif, pdf) will be loaded without problems. Glarishow can be programmed to operate with any screen ratio or automatic adjustment of the images. Power Point (PPT, PPTX) and Google Slide can be directly uploaded through an additional extension or saved as JPEG and uploaded.
Video MP4 and H264 are fully compatible, in addition to all HTML5, FHD, and HD compatible videos.
Word or PDF documents are uploaded as images.
The Widgets are apps with special content and real time features for the screen: weather forecast, social media, news, clock, and any other function (timetables, events, statistics, etc.)
Slide Editor
Content Editor to create slide, playlists, stories, and animation
Unlimited Memory
Glarishow offers unlimited memory (unlimited means that virtually we do not limit the memory available to our clients)
Functional Specifications
GLARISHOW and Media Players turn your ideas into powerful marketing messagesÂ
The ingenious combination of a very simple marketing creation and publication software with an advanced compression and reproduction technology allows to operate in the most complex and difficult conditions without highlighting any functional problem. If the information contained in our documentation does not meet your needs, your message will be very welcome to allow us to improve our documentation as well as satisfy your requests.
GlariShow is cloud
GlariShow is the Glarish software on cloud for the digital signage content management that works across any device: computer, tablet, or smartphone. It doesn’t require to be installed and doesn’t leave any information into the device. From any place in the world, you can create, deploy, and broadcast your content to grow your business.
Terms & Conditions
Terms and Conditions of Use of GlariShow with digital devices with license of use
GlariShow is a cloud software application with terms and conditions of use
The glarishow service is a SaaS (software as a service) provided to the User for the creation of digital media and the management of remote digital devices with access to the cloud (internet) at a monthly price that varies depending on the chosen functions.
Terms and Conditions of Use of GlariShow
Last Updated on October 5, 2018.
© Copyright 2018, Glarish, Inc., all rights reserved
When purchasing the service, the User receives access to a GlariShow account – accessible via the internet – with a dedicated profile that allows programming of the connected digital devices and the creation of multimedia media for presentations on the same digital devices. The User accepts the following document with terms and conditions of the GlariShow service:
1) Access to GlariShow
To access the GlariShow service, the User must purchase a Digital Signage (or Multimedia Showcase) management service for at least one (1) digital device with a regular EULA license.
2) Limit of use
User access must be considered as the availability of the GlariShow program for its full use, unlimited in time and quantity. Any excessive use of the memory used for the amount of media loaded would result in a notification from Glarish for the purchase of a more professional service than the one selected, which can offer the services the User needs, without any obligation to purchase . Obviously, malfunctions resulting from inappropriate use of GlariShow will not be recognized as malfunctions.
3) User and Access
Limits There are no limits on the number of users who can access the system. For security reasons, each user must be regularly registered by Glarish. In the case of large plants, the User can register as many users as necessary for his organization.
4) Copyright and Prohibited Reproducibility
GlariShow is protected by copyright law and international copyright treaties, and also by other treaties and laws for the protection of intellectual property in favor of Glarish who is its author and sole owner. The service offered with GlariShow allows the operation of digital devices for the creation and presentation of digital media, in addition to the control of the digital devices on which the same media are transmitted. The User agrees to pay for the use of the service, to respect the EULA of the digital device software and agrees not to: copy, duplicate, license to others, rent, sell parts of the program used for the service.
5) Back-up
Glarish automatically archives the work done by the User. The archives have the sole purpose of allowing the restoration of the service in case of malfunction in very serious circumstances. However, the archive is available to recover User data in the event of rare erroneous operations. In case of loss of User information due to malfunction, the system must necessarily be blocked to verify the origin of the problem. If the User needs a specific backup of his information with the possibility of recovery independently, he can request the backup functionality, if available.
6) Product support.
Glarish provides a support service for malfunctions of digital devices, which use the Software Package, created by local operators in the area. The Technical Assistance service is not free. The cost of assistance is checked by Glarish to ensure the best service at the best price.
7) Term
Without prejudice to any other right, Glarish can terminate the GlariShow Service if the User does not comply with its terms and conditions. If the user license expires, it will not be possible to access GlariShow with immediate effect from the moment of termination. Any delays in disabling the service do not give any right to the User to request support or extensions or guarantees of the same. With the Termination of the GlariShow service, the Eula License of the software installed on the remote digital devices also ends. Therefore termination of the service implies termination of any functionality of the Digital Signage – Multimedia Showcase.
8) Suspension
The GlariShow service is considered suspended if the User has not paid the usage fee on the due date or is delayed in payment for a short period but intends to reuse the service and then reactivate it with the payment of the corresponding fee due. In the event of suspension of the service, Glarish may allow the User to use the service for a short period with some limitations. This exceptional functioning of the service is the demo mode, used by Glarish to demonstrate the functionality of the system by displaying images, videos, logos, and promotional texts superimposed on any User programming.
9) Payment Methods
The GlariShow service provides different payment methods to offer maximum convenience to the User. The minimum payment frequency of the service is monthly and is independent of the number of days the month is made up of. The annual payment method is however expressed as the sum of 12 monthly fees. The options of the services offered vary according to the method of payment:
(a) Annual Single Installment
- Dedicated account
- Cloud access for the paid period
- Archive of information
- No interruption of the service
- Discounts and promotions
- Dedicated memory area
- Grace period for active monitor for a delay of up to 15 days of paying a fee
- Free maintenance of information and activation of digital media up to 30 days after the end of the service
- Annual EULA fee included in the service price
(b) Annual 12 Installments
- Up to 80% increase in the cost of the Annual Single Installment service
- Dedicated account
- Archive of information
- Discounts and promotions
- Dedicated memory area
- Grace period for active monitor for a delay of up to 15 days of paying a fee
- Free retention of information and digital media up to 15 days after the end of the service
- Annual EULA fee included in the service price
(c) Monthly
- Temporary account
- Provisional information archive equal to the period paid
- Fee to be paid at least 8 hours prior to the activation of the service
- No annual restrictions
- Dedicated management area
- Annual EULA fee for each digital device installed
- Monitor active for the period paid
- Up to 40% surcharge on the monthly price of the 12 Year Annual
Any fee to be paid will cover the whole month, intended as the period from the first to the last day of the month. There are no services that can be activated for a duration of 30 days on any day of the month.
The monthly mode was created at the request of those who use the system for a few months of the year (Fairs, Cruises, Events, Seminars, Hotels, etc.). The fee must be paid at least 8 hours before the start of the first day of the month. If the fee must be paid during the current month, the fee will last for the remaining days of the month. The fee paid in the last week of the month can only be accepted as payment for the fee for the following month. The fee paid 8 hours before the start of any day of the month except the first one does not guarantee activation within eight (8) hours.
10) Use of GlariShow without Activation
GlariShow is not accessible in the absence of activation. Termination and suspension of the service may cause important changes to the User’s account. In no way does Glarish guarantee the retention of the account as a consequence of the termination or suspension of the service. If the account were to undergo changes following suspension or termination of the service, the User has the option to recover the account by backup with an additional fee equal to the extra cost of the recovery service.
11) Maintenance and Variation of the Software
Glarish fully exercises its right to carry out maintenance or to make changes to GlariShow without thereby having any obligation towards Users regarding the type of variation or maintenance to be carried out.
Glarish reserves the right to:
– Modify GlariShow without notice about the type of modifications to be made
– Temporarily suspend the GlariShow service for maintenance, with or without notice  if the intervention was classified as urgent.
In the case of Users with a suspended or terminated license, Glarish reserves the right to discontinue, suspend or modify any functionality or service of GlariShow, without notice.
12) Consent to use the data
The User agrees that Glarish may collect and use technical and generic information – including but not limited to technical information about the device used for the GlariShow service, the computers used for GlariShow, the system, the Software Package, other applications and connected peripherals— which are periodically detected for the operation of the system and software updates, as well as to ensure control and support of the operation of the system, and other services to the User (if activated) associated with the Licensed Applications. In the case of a system equipped with image detection (webcam), the User agrees that Glarish may collect and use the images to check the functioning of the service and the technical and marketing performance. Glarish can use all the information authorized by the User in order to provide the service and improve the marketing and technical aspects of the same. All information is not shared with third parties but is processed by Glarish at cloud servers in Europe and the USA and at its laboratories in the USA.
13) Salvatoria Clause
If any version issued of this document of Terms and Conditions of the Service is considered invalid or not applicable for any reason, it must be modified and replaced with a new version which will be published together with the previous version and highlight the differences.
14) Fines
Glarish reserves the right, at its discretion, to modify or replace the Terms and Conditions of the service described on this page, at any time. In case of variations, the new version will be published together with the previous version and will highlight the differences.
15) Contact for the Terms and Conditions of this service
For more information about this document and service, you can contact Glarish at:
Glarish, Inc., CALIFORNIA – 92692 – United States of America
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